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Better Block Certification Workshop Set for March 13th – 16th, 2013


Want to Learn How to Build a Better Block? 

Team Better Block is now offering workshops where you may earn your own Better Block Certification

REGISTER HERE for the 4 day workshop from Wed March 13th – Saturday March 16th

What does Team Better Block do?

Team Better Block temporarily re-engineers and re-programs auto dominated, blighted, and underused urban areas into complete ones by working with cities, developers, and stakeholders to create quick, inexpensive, high-impact changes. Team Better Block uses pop-up shops to test the local economic development potential of streets re-engineered for walkability. Additionally, Team Better Block bolsters civic pride by enlisting the community in the build-out of the temporary installation.

Why are Team Better Block’s Temporary Rapid Revitalization Projects Important?

Although comprehensive planning projects are necessary for most property developments, the cost, scale and long-range timelines associated with these initiatives can often lead to a loss in project momentum and frustration or lack of confidence among area stakeholders and residents. In our projects we have seen improved acceptance by city engineers, planners, designers, and public safety officials of some of the most progressive measures in the urban street design toolbox. The Better Block approach has been used in over thirty cities from California to New York to illustrate rapid street changes and community revitalization. These cities have reported greater understanding and urgency by elected officials, leaders, and citizens for permanent change.

What will you learn in the Better Block workshop?

  1. Introduction to Team Better Block approach

  2. How to re-engineer and re-program streets, sidewalks, properties, and spaces for safety, shared amenities, and staying power

  3. How to rally stakeholders, community, and civic participation

  4. How to promote the demonstration through marketing, “shared” events, and social media

  5. How to file for proper permitting for the demonstration

  6. How to create teams and designate tasks efficiently and effectively

  7. How to survey public and private spaces of blighted or auto-centric blocks through “on site” visits

  8. How to design, build, and install temporary re-engineering and re-programming elements safely, economically, and efficiently  through “hands on” demonstrations

  9. How to measure through a set of metrics and reports the successes and failures of the demonstration

  10. How to continue future efforts and take next steps for permanent change

How will you earn the certificate?

  1. Attendance and active participation in classes, demonstrations, and installations

  2. Pass the Better Block Exam at the end of the workshop

What are the benefits of earning a certificate and becoming a Better Block certified member?

  1. Ability to implement Better Block Rapid Revitalization Demonstration Projects in official manner in your own cities and communities

  2. Become a Team Better Block certified member and listed on Team Better Block website

  3. Marketable credential to employer and clients

What are the costs, what is the availability and who is eligible?

800.00 per person

700.00 per person [group rate]

Because of the “hands on” approach there are only 15 available spaces for enrollment

All skill, training and professional levels can take the workshop and exam

For questions regarding the workshop email

Visit for final workshop schedule, Team Better Block and instructor’s bios, past Better Block projects and updates

Better Block Certificate Workshop Tentative Schedule March 13th-16th Dallas, Texas

[All classes will be held at RE gallery + studio at 1717 Gould Street, Dallas, Texas]

Wednesday            March 13

8-9 am                     Coffee and Personal Introductions

9-10 am                   The Better Block Approach – Andrew Howard and Jason Roberts

10-11am                 Readingson Place Making Discussion – Wanda Dye

11-12 am                 Marketing, Social Media and Community Organization – Jason Roberts

12- 1pm                  Lunch

1 – 2 pm                  Pop Ups Ideas and Implementation – Shannon Driscoll, Cayli Cusick

2- 3 pm                   Re-programming – Jason Roberts and Wanda Dye

3-4 pm                    City Permitting for Better Block Events – Andrew Howard

4-5 pm                    Overview of Better Block Project in Cedar Hill – Andrew Howard

Dinner on your own

Thursday               March 14

9-12 pm                  Oak Cliff and Cedar Hill Site Visits Public and Private Space Survey

12- 1pm                  Lunch

1-2 pm                    Assign Teams and Tasks

2-5 pm                    Design and Planning Session

Dinner on your own

Friday                     March 15

9-12 pm                  Design and Build day

12-1 pm                  Lunch

1-5 pm                    Continue Build and Prepare Schedule for Mobilization

Dinner on your own

Saturday                March 16          

9-10 am                   Exam

10- 12 pm               Mobilization and Installation in Cedar Hill

12 – 1 pm                Lunch

1 – 5 pm                  Mobilization and Installation in Cedar Hill

5- `10 pm              Better Block Event and Award of Certificates


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