Dallas, TX
There are few things we love more than beautiful design, quick deadlines, and bringing the community together. That’s why we launched Field Day last year. Field Day (FD) is an architectural design competition that tasks designers with creating something aspirational, yet functional (and extra points if it follows our Wikiblock ethos: using off-the-shelf materials, is easy to assemble and disassemble, and is fun). And this year, we added a new twist: we paired the designers with local retailors. We made them partners so they could guide the designs in what they would need if they were to do a pop-up version of their work. To crown the winner, we partnered with Little D Markets for an outdoor market, and Spinster Records got us live music. We also created a life-size Death Star/stage (designed by Rickey Crum). Both our esteemed panel of judges (comprised of Lauren Cadieux, Rick Fontenot, and JP and Erin Hossley) and the people chose Mike Arreaga as the winner. His prize? C-3PO and R2-D2. And $1,000. But we were really most excited about C-3PO and R2-D2.