Makers Unite:
Digitally-Fabricated Face Shields
Our healthcare workers are on the front-lines of the fight with Covid-19, and they're going to work without the supplies they need. We, like many of you, have digital fabrication equipment at our fingertips that can help with this issue. So let's unite, and make some face shields.
Directly inspired by the open-source plans by the team at The Good Mod in Portland, this medical face shield has been tweaked and prototyped so that it can be constructed in batches of 100 using a CNC router, a three-hole punch, and a tie.
If you are a maker with a CNC router, we need you. If you're a plastics supplier, we need you. Together, we can bridge the gap in a medical supply shortage and fight COVID-19 together.

Because of you, we have enough funding to produce 10,500 shields!
A huge thank you to all 198 (and counting) of you who have donated, to Chris and Ashlee Kleinert for their $10,000 donation, and to the United Way of Metropolitan of Dallas and North Texas Cares for their $40,000 donation.
We began the process by 3D printing the shields. But then we were told by healthcare professionals that hospitals go through 300 shields A SHIFT.
That means we need to be producing thousands.
With our CNC router, we can do 200 in the time it took our 3D printer to do one.
Have a router? Want to make your own? Send us a note.
You can also download the designs/materials below (by downloading, you accept the Terms of Use).

How to create a face shield
Gather your materials. Download the design. Cut. Hand off to medical professional to disinfect/assemble. Repeat.



Use a CNC Router to cut designs

Assemble design and give to healthcare professional
Other COVID-19 Approaches
Rethinking Restaurants
If you have a restaurant, and are looking for ways to recoup some lost revenue and help those who are nervous in grocery stores, consider this idea: Download some of our shelves, gather your excess produce, and create an open-air market.

Adams Door Opener
If you are anything like us, you're not touching anything. But that is difficult when you come upon a door. Lucky for you, our designer, Dylan Adams, has a fix. Download this design, print it on your 3D printer, attach to your keychain, open doors, then wipe it down.
Note: As the Adam's Door Opener is not medical-grade, it's usefulness and any particular risks or gains associated with it are the user's responsibility.